Correlation plenoptic imaging is a procedure to perform light-field imaging without spatial resolution loss, by measuring the second-order spatiotemporal correlations of light. We investigate the possibility of using correlation plenoptic imaging to mitigate the effect of a phase disturbance in the propagation from the object to the main lens. We assume that this detrimental effect, which can be due to a turbulent medium, is localized at a specific distance from the lens, and is slowly varying in time. The mitigation of turbulence effects has already fostered the development of both light-field imaging and correlation imaging procedures. Here, we aim to merge these aspects, proposing a correlation light-field imaging method to overcome the effects of slowly varying turbulence, without the loss of lateral resolution, typical of traditional plenoptic imaging devices.
Authors: Pepe, Francesco V., and Milena D’Angelo
Publication location: Photonics
Date of publication: 6 August 2024
D.O.I: https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics11080733
How to cite this article: Pepe, Francesco V., and Milena D’Angelo. 2024. “3D Correlation Imaging for Localized Phase Disturbance Mitigation” Photonics 11, no. 8: 733. https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics11080733